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Prof. Kathrin Böhm

Dekanin FB Wirtschaft, Professorin für Kunst im Unternehmenskontext

Lehrstuhl für Kunst im Unternehmenskontext // Chair for Art and Business


COMPOST, The Showroom London

Link: www.theshowroom.org/exhibitions/kathrin-bohm-compost-for-future-use

Projektwebseite: www.compost.kathrinbohm.info



Rural School of Econonomics, gemeinsam mit // together with Wapke Feenstra at Myvillages 

Projektwebseite www.ruralschoolofeconomics.info


2020    UNO INO Berater*innen Genossenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Nachhaltige Unternehmenstransformation

//  Cooperative Business Consultation UNO INO focusing on Sustainable Business Transformation

            Link: https://unoino.de


2018    Centre for Plausible Economies c/o Company Drinks, zusammen mit
// together with Kuba Szreder

            Link: companydrinks.info/whats-on/economy/


2016    Keep it Complex – Make it Clear (bis 2021)

            Link: makeitclear.eu


2014    Company Drinks, Kunst in Form einer Getränkefirma
// Art in the shape of a drinks enterprise

            Link: companydrinks.info


2004    Kunst- und Architektur Kollektiv Public Works
// Art and Architecture Collective Public Works

            Link: publicworksgroup.net/about/


2003    Künstlerinnen Initiative Myvillages
// Artist Collective Myvillages
Link: myvillages.org

Meine Lehrtätigkeit im Angestelltenverhältnis umfaßt mehrjähriges Unterrichten an der Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, eine Postdoctoral Research Fellowship an der University of Wolverhampton, und regelmäßige Lehraufträge an Hochschulen europaweit, u.a. am Royal College London, University of Gothenburg und Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart.

Die Rural School of Economics von Myvillages, ein europaweites Lern-Netzwerk zwischen ländlichen Interessengruppen und kulturellen Partnern, ist seit 2020 im Entstehen, und schließt direkt an die von mir mitorganisierte Eco Nomadic School an.

Als Mitgründerin des Centre for Plausible Economies organisiere ich regelmäßig inter-disziplinären Wissenaustausch an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung und Aktivismus.

Ich habe ursprünglich Abstrakte Malerei und Kunsterziehung an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nürnberg studiert, und später meinen Master of Arts am Goldsmiths College London erhalten.


My teaching experience within institutional settings includes teaching at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Wolverhampton, and regular teaching assignments at universities in Europe, including the Royal College London, University of Gothenburg and Academy of Fine Art Stuttgart.

The Rural School of Economics is an ongoing inter-generational and trans-local network for mutual knowledge exchange which I have set up together with Myvillages, and which developed out of the Eco Nomadic School.

As a co-founder of the Centre for Plausible Economies I regularly organise inter-disciplinary knowledge exchange at the intersection between research and activism.

I initially studied Abstract Painting and Art Pedagogy at the Academy of Fine Art Nuremberg, and later received an MA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths College London.

Herausgeberin und Autorin (Auswahl) //
Edited and co-edited Publications  (selection)


Böhm, K. (2024) Kunst in Unternehmen kann. Publikation des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft, Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft 

Wilson, M., ONeill, P. (2022) Art on the Scale of Life. Co-produced with The Showroom London. Sternberg Press: Berlin/London

Böhm, K., Szreder, K. (2020) Icebergian Economies of Contemporray Art. Pyrammmida: London

Böhm, K., Feenstra, W. (editors) (2019) The Rural. Documents of Contemporary Art. Whitechapel Gallery and MIT Press: London und Cambridge (US)

Böhm, K., James, T., Petresu, D. (2017). Learn To Act. Introducing the Eco Nomadic School. Peprav: Paris.

Böhm, K., Feenstra, W., Schiffers, A. (2016). International Village Show. Alle Dörfer an einem Ort. Zusammen mit der Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig. Jovis Verlag: Berlin

Böhm, K. (2016) Trade as Public Real, Economy as Public Space. Trade Test Site: Copenhagen

Böhm, K., Pope, M. (2015). Company: Movements, Deals and Drinks. Jap Sam Books: Prinsenbeek

Böhm, K. (2009) Who is Building What? CADRE Research Centre, University of Wolverhampton: Wolverhampton


Interviews/Podcasts (selection)

Lagemann, A. (2022) The Power of Many. Interview for The New Institute, Hamburg


Biermann, U. (2022) Kathrin Böhm – 1. künstlerische Professorin im Fachbereich Wirtschaft, Deutschlandfunk


Schlieder, F. (2022) Kunst und Wirtschaft, Podcast mit Kathrin Böhm und Susanne Blazejewski, Fabrik Für Immer (Episode 138)

Wilson, M. (editor) (2021) On the question of Exhibition. Exhibition as Pile. PARSE Journal: Gothenburg


Altay, C. (2021) Arteconomies. Ahali Podcast Serie 13: Istanbul


Beale,R., Fenneck, A. (editors) (2019) True Currency. About Feminist Economics. Podcast Series by The Alternative School of Economics: London


deWachter, E.M. (2018). Culture is a Verb. Mansions of the Future: Lincoln

Für weitere Publikationen und Veröffentlichungsbeiträge siehe auch// To find more publications visit



60th October Salon, Belgrade, together with Jelena Micić 

Municipal Kitchens at nGbK, with Myvillages, Berlin (group exhibition)

Artists and Farmers, with Myvillages (group exhibition), Les Abattoirs, Toulouse



Looking back to the future we want, Myvillages, TENT, Rotterdam

Re-drawing Room, together with Kuba Szreder, Economics the Blockbuster, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester

Who has the Energy, Summer Camp, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Aberdeenshire



Kassel’s Rural Undercurrents, Composting Knowledge, Lumbung documenta fifteen, Kassel

Coalesce, curated by Paul O'Neill, ADN Gallery, Barcelona

The Rural School of Economics, exhibition, with Myvillages, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam



COMPOST, The Showroom, London

Tip of the Iceberg, Focal Point Gallery, Southend

Potential Agrarianisms, Kunsthalle Bratislava (Myvillages)



Setting the Table: Village Politics, zusammen mit//together with Myvillages, Whitechapel Gallery, London

Poster Take Over, PUBLICS, Helsinki
When Decisions become Art, kunstbunker – Forum für Zeitgenössische Kunst Nürnberg



Culture is a Verb, Mansions of the Future, Lincoln

Redrawing the Economy, together with the Community Economy Research Network


From Here Since, CCA, Glasgow

Company: Movements, Deals and Drinks, Museum of London


International Village Show, gemeinsam mit//together with  Myvillages, Museum of Contemporary Art (GfZK), Leipzig

Brand News, Market Town, Radar Art Programme, Loughborough University


Forms of Finding, gemeinsam mit//together with  Myvillages, A-Z Collection Marzona, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin

Lammas Land Community Haystacks, Lee Valley Park, East London



Money Distribution Machine and other Useful Contraptions, Peckham Platform, London


Trade Show, co-curated with Gavin Wade, Eastside Projects, Birmingham

Good News From Nowhere, zusammen mit Myvillages, The Architecture Foundation, London     

I am a Shop, Communal Knowledge Programme, The Showroom, London

Für weitere Projekte und eine vollständigere Liste bitte hier clicken // To find a more comprehensive project list please click here



Keynote, Social Making Conference, Bristol 

Keynote together with Kuba Szreder, LIVIANA Online Conference organised by Community Economies Institute

Swylje/Haystack/Heuhaufen talk at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart



Redrawing the Economy workshop with Kuba Szreder, as part of Economics the Blockbuster, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester 

Unfreeze Your Brain, Alanus at IMPACT Festival, Frankfurt 



Mini Majelis, Rural School of Economics, Lumbung documenta fifteen, Kassel 

By Design or by Disaster Conference, Free University Bolzano



After Growth: A Symposium on Post-Capitalist Imaginaries, Nottingham Contemporary

Antrittsvorlesung Alanus Hochschule

Art as Artistic Enterprise, MA in Social Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths College London
Heimat, Talk Series, University Kassel 
Redrawing the Economy, as part of Reframing Community-based Economies', SIRIUS, Ireland
Krater Summer School, Center of Creativity / Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana 


Liviana, International Community Economies Conference, Community Economies Institute
C4R, Keynote on Artist Residencies, organised by aaa, online
Politics of Food, Book launch and Talk, Delfina Foundation, London

Culture is a Verb, Lincoln Annual Keynotes on Culture, Mansions of the Future, Lincoln
Community Production and Collective Products, talk at Steamhouse, Birmingham
Re-drawing Art World Economies, with Kuba Szreder, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
The Rural, conference, Whitechapel Gallery, London (co-organiser)

Unlearning Economy, Elephants in the Room, Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, Utrecht
Economies as a Means, Valand Academy, Gothenburgh
Trade as Public Realm, Camberwell College, UCL, London 

Working Across Divides, Frieze Projects Symposium, Goethe Institut London 
London Salon on Edgelands, City Now City Future Programme, Museum of London
Learn To Act International Workshop, Sheffield University (co-organiser)
Civic University, organised by public works, Tate Exchange, Tate Modern

Company Drinks, talk and workshop, Trade Test Site, Arhus
Trade as Public Space, talk and workshop, mima, Middlesbrough
Myvillages and Company Drinks, Culture Now Series, ICA, London


Serpentine Transformation Marathon, Serpentine Galleries, London
Art and Economy Seminar, Radar, Loughborough University
Re-imagining Rurality Conference (keynote), University of Westminster, London
Glocal Design, conference, University of Bolzano (It)

Art and Mental Health, House of Lords, London
Rural Luxury and Natural Fermentation, CLIC workshop, Höfen and Frensdorf, Southern Germany
Collective Product Development, workshop, Trade Show, Eastside Projects, Birmingham

Talking Shop, presentation and discussion, The Showroom, London 
Cut and Paste, Read+Talk+Make Workshops organised Andrea Francke, Lambeth, London 
Kathrin Böhm reads Colin Ward, Reading Anarchism Programme, New Art Space Amsterdam, Amsterdam 


The Art of Making Things Public and Getting Things Done, talk, Glyndŵr University, Wrexham 
Miljonprogrammet – the city of the future, talk, School of Architecture & the Built Environment, Stockholm 

Community Economies Institute, worldwide

Link: www.communityeconomies.org/about/community-economies-institute

Asociacion de Arte Util

Link: https://www.arte-util.org

Advisory Panel, Economy the Blockbuster, Manchester Museum

East London Traders Guild, UK

Landworkers Alliance, UK

Ich verstehe Wirtschaften als einen gemeinsamen kulturellen Raum, in dem wir alle aktive Gestalter:innen sind, und Werte und Beziehungen verhandeln und festlegen.

Meine künstlerische Arbeit in und mit Unternehmen prägt meinen Werdegang seit 1999 maßgeblich. Sie reicht von Wandgestaltungen zu Strategiepapieren, von der Gründung einer Getränkefirma zur Mitarbeit in internationalen Forschungsprojekten, vom Kuratieren themenspezifischer Ausstellungen zu fachspezifischen Veröffentlichungen.


I understand and define economy as a shared public and cultural realm, which is actively shaped by all of us by negotiating and organising values and relationships.

My work at the intersection to enterprise, political economy and everyday economies has been constant and evolving throughout my practice. Examples range from office decoration to strategy development, from setting up enterprises to teaching diverse economies, from curating economy focused exhibitions to publications of the subject.

Telefon: +49 2222 93211601
Kathrin Böhm