Dr. Martyn Rawson
Senior Research Fellow
Fachgebiet: Erziehungswissenschaft, Kindheitspädagogik, Kunst- und Waldorfpädagogik/ Fachbereich Bildungswissenschaft
Seit 2024 // Senior Research Fellow an der Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft
2019 bis 2024 // Honorary Professor an der Nationalen Tsinghua Universität in Taiwan
Seit 2018 // Oberstufelehrer an der Christian-Morgenstern-Schule in Hamburg
2017 bis 2018 // Lehrer Rudolf Steiner Schule Altona
Seit 2016 Alumni Research Fellow at Plymouth University
Seit 2016 // Dozent des Masterprogramms am Waldorfseminar Kiel
2016 // Promotion zu dem Thema „Learning as becoming a subject in a Waldorf school: A hermeneutic phenomenological study” an der Plymouth University, England.
2007 bis 2016 // Lehrer FWS Elmshorn
2007 bis 2010 // Master Studium Educational Research an der Plymouth University
1994 bis 2011 // Mitglied des Kollegiums der Pädagogischen Sektion am Goetheanum
Seit 1993 // Gast Dozent an der Freien Hochschule Stuttgart
1993 bis 2003 // Schulleiter Michael Hall School, England
1979 bis 1987 // Lehrer York Steiner School, England
1973 bis 1976 // Studium English Literature & History an der York University, England
Geboren 1954 in Glasgow (Scotland)
Monografien und Herausgeberbände
Boland, N., Hsueh, H., Rawson, M., & Williams, L. (2024). Decolonizing Through Waldorf Education: Perspectives (N. Boland, H. Hsueh, M. Rawson, & L. Williams, Eds.). Elewa (e-learningwaldorf).
Clouder, C., & Rawson, M. (2003). Waldorf Education. Floris Books.
Rawson , M. (2001). Free Your Child’s True Potential. Hodder & Stoughton.
Rawson, M. (2003). The Spirit in Human Evolution. AWSNA Publications.
Rawson, M. (2021). Steiner Waldorf Pedagogy in Schools . A critical introduction. Routledge. (Übersetzungen in Holländisch, Finnisch, Chinesisch)
Rawson, M., & Avison, K. (2013). Towards Creative Teaching. Notes to an evolving curriculum for Steiner Waldorf class teachers. Floris Books.
Rawson , M., & Lutzker , P. (2002). Language and Learning. Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship Publication.
Rawson, M., & Richter, T. (2000). The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum. Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications
Rawson, M., Richter, T., & Avison , K. (2014). The Tasks and Content of the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum (2nd Edition ed.). Floris Books.
Rawson, M., & Rose, M. (2003). Ready to Learn: From birth to school readiness. Hawthorn Press.
Rawson, M., & Stöckli, T. (2003). Work and Learning in the 21st Century: Meeting the challenge of life-long learning in school and in the workplace. Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship Publications.
Rawson, M., & Stöckli, T. (2007). Praxisforschung in der Waldorfschule: Ein Reader (Practice-based research in Waldorf schools). ipf Publications.
Rawson, M., & Steinwachs, F. (Eds.). (2024). Waldorfschule, Globalisierung und Postkolonialismus- Versuch einer Annäherung. Beltz.
Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze
Rawson, M. (2025). Embodied Learning. Transforming potentialities into holistic skills through different modes of experience. In K. Nigh (Ed.), Holistic Education. Enduring principles and practice (Vol. 2). Information Age Publishing.
Rawson, M. (2024). Learning capacities for a multicultural and diverse social world: a challenge for Waldorf schools. WaldorfWorkingPapers, 9. e-learningwaldorf.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/No-9-Learning-capacities-for-a-multicultural-and-diverse-social-world.pdf
Rawson, M. (2024). Types of discourses about Anthroposophy in relation to Waldorf education. WaldorfWorkingPapers. e-learningwaldorf.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/No.-8.2-Types-of-discourses-about-Anthroposophy-in-relation-to-Waldorf-education.pdf
Rawson, M. (2024). Translating, transmitting and transforming Waldorf curricula: one hundred years after the first published curriculum in 1925. Frontiers in Education, 9-2024. doi.org doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1306092
Rawson, M. (2023). Working with postcolonial literature as a learning opportunity for the development of the young person. Humanising Language Teaching, 25(2). www.hltmag.co.uk/apr23/working-with-postcolonial-literature
Rawson, M. (2023). Projektarbeit im Englischunterricht.- Existenzielle Fragen, echtes Engagement und selbstwirksames Lernen. In S. Speckenbach & P. Lutzker (Eds.), Künstlerischer Fremdsprachenunterricht. Impulse aus der Waldorfpädagogik. Pädagogische Forschungsstelle beim Bund der freien Waldorfschulen.
Rawson, M. (2022). Dekolonisierung des Lehrplans als Lernweg. Journal für Waldorfpädagogik, 4.
Rawson, M. (2022). Blended Learning in Steiner Waldorf Schools. SchoolEducationGateway. www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/viewpoints/experts/blended-steiner-waldorf.htm
Rawson, M. (2022). The gappiness of Shakespeare: Performative possibilities. Scenario: Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 16(1). journals.ucc.ie/index.php/scenario/issue/view/scenario-16-1
Rawson, M. (2022). L2 teaching and learning in Waldorf schools- why performative? Scenario: Journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, XII(2).
Rawson, M. (2022). Steiner Waldorf Teacher Education. In R. C. Collister (Ed.), Holistic teacher education: In search of a curriculum for troubled times (pp. 54-73). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Rawson, M. (2021). Postkolonialismus - ein für die Selbstwerdung relevantes Thema. In A. Wiehl & F. Steinwachs (Eds.), Studienbuch Waldorf-Jugendpädagogik (pp. 203- 216). Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
Rawson, M. (2021). Ein neuer Ansatz für die Lehrplanentwicklung. Erzeihungskunst, online(Oktober 2021). www.erziehungskunst.de/artikel/aus-der-forschung/ein-neuer-ansatz-fuer-die-lehrplanentwicklung/
Rawson, M. (2021). A Theory of Waldorf Teacher Education. Part 3. Learning knowledgeable action with purpose through learning-in-practice. Research on Steiner Education, 12(2), 1-12.
Rawson, M. (2021). Glossary. Assessment. In M. Domokos (Ed.), assessment as Dialogue. Twenty inspiring practices from classrooms across Europe (pp. 33-39). European Union Erasmus Programme, European Council of Steiner Waldorf Education, Learning for Well-being Foundation, Hungarian Waldorf Association.
Rawson, M. (2021). Subjectification and Resonance in Late Modern Bildung: The Global Model of Waldorf Education. Tsinghua Journal of Education, 37(4). doi.org/DOI: 10.6869/THJER.202112_37(2).0002
Rawson, M. (2021). Waldorfpädagogik und Postkolonialismus: eine kritische Selbstreflexion. Journal für Waldorfpädagogik, 2(März), 94-97.
Rawson, M. (2021). Waldorfpädagogik und Postkolonialismus: eine kritische Reflexion. Journal für Waldorfpädagogik, 2, 89-93.
Rawson, M. (2021). Using artistic, phenomenological and hermeneutic reflective practices in Waldorf (Steiner) teacher education. Tsing Hua Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 125-162. edujou.site.nthu.edu.tw/var/file/128/1128/img/1172/37-1-4.pdf
Rawson, M. (2021). Waldorf education and postmodern spirituality. In A. Wiehl & T. Stoltz (Eds.), Education-Spirituality-Creativity: Reflections on Waldorf Education (pp. 55-72). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-32968-6
Rawson, M. (2021). Spirituality and subjectivity in Waldorf (Steiner) education: a postmodern Bildung perspective. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 26(1/2), 24-43.
Rawson, M. (2021). A forgotten German philosopher: a self-critical reflection by a high school teacher on Black Lives Matter. Waldorf Research Bulletin 26(1).
Rawson, M. (2020). A Theory of Waldorf Education: Part 2. The role of study and artistic exercises. Research on Steiner Education, 11(2), 23-36.
Rawson, M. (2020). A theory of Waldorf teacher education. Part 1. Learning dispositions. Research on Steiner Education, 11(1), 1-22.
Rawson, M. (2019). Sieben Lernprozesse: Ein Beitrag zur Waldorf-Lerntheorie. Leherrundbrief, 108, 110-117.
Rawson, M. (2019). The Development of the Person: Subjectification and Possible Links to Non-formal Learning Situations and Expansive Learning in Waldorf (Steiner) education. Other Education Journal, 8(2), 2-25.
Rawson, M. (2019). A complementary theory of learning in Waldorf pedagogical practice. Research on Steiner Education, 9(2), 1-23.
Rawson, M. (2018). The case for illuminative practitioner research in Steiner Education. Research on Steiner Education, 8(2), 15-32.
Rawson , M. (2018). Lernen als partizipation in gemeinschaften der Praxis: Zweiter Teil eines Forschungsprojektes. Seelenpflege in Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie, 2018(1), 22-39.
Rawson , M. (2018). Using a constructionist reading of Steiner’s epistemology in Waldorf pedagogy. Research on Steiner Education, 8(2), 33-50.
Rawson , M. (2018). Life processes and learning in Waldorf pedagogy. Research Bulletin for Waldorf Education, XV111(2).
Rawson, M. (2017). The case for practitioner research using complementary theory in Waldorf pedagogy. Research on Steiner Education, 9(2), 1-23.
Rawson, M. (2016). Assessment for learning, eine waldorf Perspektive. Lehrerrundbrief, 104, 259-277.
Rawson, M. (2016). Expansives oder defensives Lernen? SSC als Gegenpraxis: erste Erfahrungen (Expansive or defensive learning:SSC as counter practice: first experiences). Lehrerrundbrief, 105, 119-135.
Rawson, M. (2016). Assessment for learning, eine waldorf Perspektive. Lehrerrundbrief, 104, 259-277.
Rawson, M. (2014). Practices of teacher learning in Waldorf schools: some recommendations based on qualitative inquiry. Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 3(2), 45-68.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
Sievers , U., & Rawson, M. (2024). Epochenhefte, Ordner und Portfolios- Lernen in der Oberstufe. In C. Becker & A. Wiehl (Eds.), Epochenhefte. Theorie und Praxis eines Bildungsmediums. Beltz Juventa.
Sievers , U., & Rawson, M. (2014). Vom Wir zum Ich und wieder zurück. Differenzierung braucht stabile Klassengemeinschaft. Erzeihungskunst(März). www.erziehungskunst.de/artikel/leistung/vom-wir-zum-ich-und-wieder-zurueck-differenzierung-braucht-stabile-klassengemeinschaften/