Information for University Staff

For teaching and further training purposes in other European or non-European countries

Erasmus+ mobility programmes enable all staff (lecturers and researchers, student assistants, administrative staff) to participate in teaching, further training and research projects at European and non-European partner universities.

Stays at Alanus University for partners abroad can also be funded through the grant programme. Book a consultation with the International Office to learn more!

The funding line STA (Staff Teaching Assignment) within the scope of Erasmus enables university lecturers to take up visiting lectureships at partner universities in Erasmus+ programme countries and partner countries. Funding is available for:

  • Professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship to the university
  • Research assistants
  • Doctoral candidates involved in teaching
  • Employees from foreign companies and organisations who are invited to the university for teaching purposes

The goal of the funding is to supplement the range of courses on offer and expand the dimensions of the university so that students who cannot or do not wish to study abroad can still acquire specialised knowledge.

The development of joint degree programmes between the partner universities and the exchange of teaching content and methods play an important role in this process.

Applications are submitted via the university's International Office. If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you.

ERASMUS+ Mobility for Further Training (STT – Staff Mobility for Teaching/Training Assignments) is open to all university employees: from trainees to managing directors. Funded measures include:

  • Observation
  • Job shadowing
  • Stays for structured courses/training events abroad
  • Cooperative curriculum development (lecturers)
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Language courses

Stays abroad last between a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days (not including travel times).

The International Office handles the application process. If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you.

The amount of financial support granted is based on the cost of living in the country of destination.

The following standard daily rates apply for four groups of countries up to the 14th day of the stay.

From the 15th to the 60th day of the stay, the funding is reduced to 70% of the daily rates listed.

  • Group 1: 180 euros/day: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
  • Group 2: 160 euros/day: Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus
  • Group 3: 140 euros/day: Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

Travel expenses can also be subsidised. The amounts are uniformly determined using a cost calculator.

The following amounts are reimbursed. They are determined based on the length of the stay and the distance between the place of departure and the destination:

  • 10 km – 99 km with 20 euros
  • 100 km – 499 km with 180 euros
  • 500 km – 1,999 km with 275 euros
  • 2,000 km – 2,999 km with 360 euros
  • 3,000 km – 3,999 km with 530 euros
  • 4,000 km – 7,999 km with 820 euros
  • 8,000 km or more with 1,500 euros

More information on daily rates and travel expenses can be found on the DAAD website.

Before you apply for a sponsored visiting lectureship or further training abroad, the following requirements must be met:

  • Written authorisation of mobility from the appropriate superior
  • Conclusion of a mobility agreement (work plan), which must be confirmed by both the host and home institution and signed by the persons involved before mobility begins.
  • In the case of visiting lecturers, the teaching workload must be at least 8 hours per week of stay.
  • In the case of further training, the teaching workload must be at least 2 hours per day (10 hours per week).

Note: A cooperation agreement with the desired host university or institute of adult education is not required.


Important Information

Leoni Bremer
+49 2222 9321 1986

Campus II, Administration Building
Room V/EG/07
Villestr. 3, 53347 Alfter 

Open consultation hours

Tuesdays: 1 - 3pm on campus I, sculpture hall, 1st floor

Thursdays: 10 am - 12 pm on campus II