Financial Aid Service at Alanus University

The Financial Aid Service

Financing studies is a challenge for many students, as both living expenses and tuition fees have to be covered. The Financial Aid Service at Alanus University will help you with all questions regarding state financial assistance (BAföG), student loans, scholarships, education funds and grants. During a consultation, you can also find out whether an internal university financing option is a good choice for you.

Please note that the financing options often depend on whether you are studying for a first degree or a second degree and on whether you are studying alongside your career or not. Most funding opportunities are also have age limits.

CORONA help for students: The Federal Government has launched two funding instruments to support students in financial distress during the Corona pandemic. The possibility of an interest-free KfW loan for a certain period and a monthly emergency aid payment of 500 euros for the months of June, July and August. If you wish to apply for the latter, you should do so as soon as possible, as the available funds will probably not cover the full demand. You can find all the information on both types of assistance at the following link: Bridging Assistance

Alanus Art Scholarship

Alanus University awards five art scholarships to applicants who are equally talented in art and socially committed. As part of their studies, the scholarship holders undertake to develop and implement independent social art projects with children in small teams, in line with the motto of the scholarship program: "Making art effective in society".

With the Alanus Art Scholarship, our university would like to contribute to greater educational equality and also enable people to study art with us who cannot afford the tuition fees.

The Alanus Art Scholarship is a full scholarship and enables scholarship holders to study their desired course of study, even if they would otherwise not be able to afford it.

The scholarship is aimed at applicants for the following degree programs:

Eligibility criteria:

In addition to professional aptitude, applicants' motivation and social commitment are particularly important, as well as

  • Passing the entrance examination
  • Special talent
  • Special life situation
  • Voluntary commitment

Required application documents:

  • Completed scholarship application
  • Letter of motivation & curriculum vitae
  • Proof of voluntary commitment
  • Voluntary documents
  • With application to study: Certificate from the university

The application deadline is July 20 each year.

Contact for questions about guidelines and application:
Daniela Vogt (

Studies at Alanus University can be funded under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). The BAföG office of the Association for Student Affairs Bonn (Studierendenwerk Bonn) is responsible for this:

BAföG Head Office
Nassestraße 11
53113 Bonn
Telephone +49 228 7350 86
Monday-Friday 10am-1pm

To ensure that the funds are paid out in time for the beginning of your studies, it is recommended that you submit your BAföG application at least two months in advance.

In addition, the Association for Student Affairs Bonn provides advice on the Kfw student loan, the education loan and assistance in graduating.

BAföG Calculator
Students who would like to find out about the possible amount of their BAföG can do so using the BAföG calculator. This calculator provides non-binding information about your possibilities. More information is provided by the German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsche Studentenwerk).

Age Limits
Students can qualify for BAföG if they begin the programme for which they are applying for funding before reaching the age of 30 – or 35 in the case of Master's programmes. The university's Financial Aid Service will be happy to advise you on exceptions to this rule that make funding possible even if the general age limit is exceeded.

Studying alongside Career
Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply for BAföG while studying alongside your career.

BAföG Abroad
Students who would like to complete either an entire degree programme abroad, a semester abroad, or an internship abroad can apply for BAföG abroad. The following applies: recipients of domestic BAföG will certainly also receive BAföG abroad. Conversely, students who do not receive assistance in Germany due to their parents’ level of income may still sometimes be eligible for assistance during their studies abroad, as the funding rates are higher when studying abroad.

KfW Student Loan
KfW student loans are intended to finance living costs during the course of studies. In principle, all degree programmes (Bachelor's, Master's, Licentiate, State Exam) in first and second degree programmes are eligible for support, as well as postgraduate degree programmes, doctoral dissertation projects and part-time degree programmes (alongside career). The KfW student loan is aimed at people between 18 and 44 years of age.

The loan is paid out monthly in an amount between 100 and 650 euros.

Education Loan
The education loan (Bildungskredit) offers financing for the completion of studies (in an undergraduate course (Diplom) after the intermediate examination, in a Bachelor's course after the first year or in a Master's course). The age limit is 36 years.

Student Loans from Banks
The terms and conditions for loans vary greatly from bank to bank and should definitely be compared. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that repayment should not begin immediately upon completion of studies, but at the earliest one year later. The branches of Commerzbank, VR-Bank and Sparkasse generally do not offer student loans of their own anymore but rather act as cooperation partners for the KfW student loan.

CHE Student Loan Test
The Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) publishes the CHE student loan test once a year in cooperation with the Handelsblatt. It answers wide-ranging questions on student loans and education funds.

Germany Scholarship

Alanus University has been participating in the federal Germany Scholarship programme since 2012. More information can be found under the heading Germany Scholarships.

Scholarship Fund for Business Administration with Partner in Practice
The Scholarship Fund of the Department of Business Management is managed under the umbrella of the Alanus University gGmbH and supports students in the Bachelor’s programme in Business Administration with partners in practice by awarding scholarships.

Special Funding for Waldorf Education
In cooperation with the Association of Independent Waldorf Schools, Alanus University has set up funding for prospective Waldorf teachers who are in the part-time Master’s programme in Education/Waldorf Education and studying alongside their career. The tuition fees are thus reduced from 241 euros per month down to as little as 120 euros. Students with the professional goal of becoming a Waldorf teacher who do not receive any other financial support for their studies can apply each year, for a maximum of the standard six-semester period of study. Contact and more information available from Katharina de Roos.

Alanus Eurythmy Fund
The Alanus Eurythmy Fund provides financial support for students in difficult economic circumstances in full-time eurythmy programmes leading to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
As a general rule, only applicants who are enrolled as regular full-time students of eurythmy at Alanus University are eligible for this funding. In the case of the Bachelor's programme, sponsorship is only possible from the 2nd year onwards; different conditions may apply to students from abroad.

More Information

More information is also available from the secretary’s office of the Department of Eurythmy at eurythmiefonds(at), (0 22 22) 93 21 1273
External support in the form of loans for degree courses in eurythmy can also be provided by the Iona Stichting, a Dutch foundation.

For Foreign Students
Alanus University awards scholarships from DAAD and Alanus Foundation funds to foreign students who have completed secondary school abroad and are at least in their third semester at Alanus University. In the case of one-year degree programmes, sponsorship is possible from the second semester onwards. The responsible scholarship committee at Alanus University decides on the awarding of scholarships. The amount of the scholarship instalments is based on DAAD specifications and amounts to at least 250.00 euros per month. The scholarship is awarded for one, maximum two semesters. More information can be found on the website of the International Office.

Germany Scholarships
The Germany Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium) supports high-achieving and committed students with a scholarship of 300.00 euros per month for one academic year and is tendered by the respective university. If you are enrolled at Alanus University and meet the requirements of the call for applications, you can apply for a scholarship from the Financial Aid Office. Calls for applications are announced once a year between August and September.

The Germany scholarship cannot be awarded alongside other performance-based scholarships. More information can be found on the Germany Scholarship website under Parallel Funding.

Organisations for the Promotion of Young Talent
An application to one of the organisations for the promotion of young talent (Begabtenförderungswerke) should be submitted within the first two semesters of your degree course. If you are considering applying to one of the organisations for the promotion of young talent, it is worth visiting the StipendiumPlus overview website.

Other Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
These funding options are also aimed at gifted students (in financial need). 

Funding opportunity for a first degree after successful training and work experience

For Foreign Students

Various opportunities for financial aid are also available for foreign students. You can find these under International.

The chances of receiving a scholarship are generally better than expected. It is therefore worth investing some time and effort in research. With a little luck, you can use a scholarship to finance your entire studies and become a member of valuable networks.

Scholarship Databases

Please note that these sources do not claim to be complete.

Dossier of Funded Learning
The Dossier of Funded Learning (Dossier Gefördertes Lernen) provides a very good overview of scholarship databases and scholarships.

The Federal Association of German Foundations has also compiled an overview of the foundations that are active in the field of academic support.

In addition: Search option of the German Central Foundation

German Education: Student Support

In addition to financial support, the Studienförderung der Deutschen Bildung (Study Support of German Education) also includes a programme to promote key, profession-relevant qualifications. The financial support is paid back when you begin your career. The repayment is proportional to income

Hildegardis Association
The Hildegardis Association grants interest-free loans to Christian female students.

Adam-Wilhelm-Klein Foundation
The Adam-Wilhelm-Klein Foundation supports the academic education of gifted students with a loan. Applicants should be able to demonstrate above-average achievements.

For People with Disabilities
The German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsche Studentenwerk) has compiled some information on finding scholarships for students with disabilities.
The platform barrierefrei-studieren (accessible studies) also offers useful information on studying with a disability and financial support.

Part-Time Jobs
In order to supplement their household budget or gain experience for later professional life, many students work alongside their studies. Many take a so-called mini-job (also known as a 450-euro job). Others work freelance or in a work-student position. Important information on the subject of working as a student is provided by the German National Association for Student Affairs.

Housing Allowance
Since students who are "basically" entitled to BAföG are generally excluded from receiving housing assistance, there are only a few exceptions. The German National Association for Student Affairs lists when exceptions to this rule can be made.

Unemployment Benefit II (Hartz IV)
Students can only receive Unemployment Benefit II under special circumstances. Since students can receive BAföG, they are generally not eligible for Unemployment Benefit II (ALG II), also known as Hartz IV. Information on exceptions can be found on the website of the German National Association for Student Affairs.

In addition to the information provided on this page, the platforms below offer additional useful information:

The most important thing at a glance

Shila Balfanz
+49 2222 93211742 

Campus II, Administration Building
Room V/EG/07
Villestr. 3, 53347 Alfter

Monday to Friday
8.30am - 13.30pm

By personal arrangement only

For questions regarding changing the method of payment for tuition fees, bank account details, etc:
Please contact Ms Gajvoronskij in the Accounting Department for questions on these topics

If you would like an overview of the tuition fees you have paid thus far, please contact the person from the Student Administration Office responsible for your degree programme.