Ways to go abroad

Many opportunities are available for students who wish to spend time abroad – find out more here!

As an enrolled student, you can study at a partner university or do a traineeship abroad either through Erasmus+, the EU Programme for education, training, youth and sport, or through the PROMOS scholarship programme. On this page, the International Office also provides information about planning a self-organised stay abroad.


As a student at Alanus University, you can study abroad or do a traineeship through the Erasmus+ scholarship programme.


The PROMOS scholarship programme also opens up possibilities for a stay abroad during your studies.

Self-Organised Stay Abroad

If you want to spend a semester at a university other than the Alanus partner universities, you can do so but you will have to organise the stay yourself. Please note, however, that this entails some disadvantages for you:

  • You have to prepare and organise your stay all by yourself (contacting the host university, enrolment, travel planning, international health insurance, accommodation).
  • You have to bear all costs associated with your stay abroad, such as tuition fees, travel expenses, visa, vaccinations, insurance and accommodation.

It is possible that achievements and credits earned at the host university will not be recognised by Alanus University. Please contact your department in advance for clarification.

Please follow the steps below to apply for a degree course or a traineeship abroad:

Step 1: Interview with your Erasmus Coordinator

Required documents for students and traineeship applicants:

  • Letter of Motivation that clearly outlines the project and goal of the stay abroad (1 page max.)
  • Europass CV (other formats: 2 pages max.)
  • Language certificate or comparable proof of proficiency of the host country’s language or the language of instruction, minimum required level B1 (Abitur certificate is accepted)
  • Summary of academic achievements from FlexNow (Master’s degree applicants must also submit a copy of their Bachelor's degree)
  • For traineeships: confirmation of traineeship by host institution

Step 2

  • Candidates for student exchange are nominated by the International Office
  • Traineeship candidates need to submit a traineeship confirmation from their future employer (including company name and contact details) to the International Office.

Step 3

  • Formal consent from a university professor for study abroad / traineeship abroad in the form of a learning agreement is required.
    Note: This document will be drawn up in advance by your Erasmus coordinator and provided to you at the International Office for presentation to the relevant professor.
  • Completed grant agreement (after consulting with your Erasmus coordinator).
  • An informal statement that you have been advised by the International Office on the following topics: travel, health, accident and liability insurance; vaccinations; Federal Foreign Office website (travel and safety information)

Note: Please note that each partner university may request additional documents. Consult with your Erasmus coordinator before submitting these to your host university abroad.

Foreign BaföG

Even if you are not a recipient of domestic BAföG (student loan pursuant to the German Federal Training Assistance Act), you can still apply for funding through foreign BAföG. Please note that scholarships count towards the amount of your total BAföG entitlement. Performance-based scholarships, e.g. from the DAAD, are exempt from this policy up to the amount of 300 euros.

Please also note that, foreign BAfög is handled by a number of different central foreign offices. The responsible office depends upon the country of destination.

Other Funding Options

A stay abroad for study purposes is associated with many expenses. However, numerous financial support options are available. Many scholarships are based on factors outside of academic performance. These include your personality or social and political involvement.

Links below:

Alanus University maintains contacts across the globe. Within the scope of Erasmus+, the university cooperates with numerous partner universities worldwide.

The Study Buddy Program, coordinated by the International Office, promotes intercultural exchange between international and local students. It is intended to make it easier for international students to get used to everyday life in Germany and to Alanus University. For  local students, the program offers a good opportunity to gain intercultural experience and prepare for an eventual stay abroad!

As a local buddy you are the contact person for your international buddy: You help him/her with the arrival (e.g. pick up from the train station). You can also start to communicate via email beforehand. Besides, you will meet with your buddy during the semester. The planning of your activities together - whether you want to go for a coffee, improve your language skills or cook together - is up to you. Meeting in larger groups (e.g. taking your buddy to parties) gives your buddy the opportunity to quickly get to know more people.

Who can participate?

Everyone is welcome to participate and decide for themselves how much they want to commit. The program is open to students from all study fields!

Certificate of participation

If you take part on the program regularly, you will receive a certificate of participation, which could be useful, for example, for scholarship applications.

When & how should I register?

When: As soon as possible

How: Please fill out the registration form and drop it in the mailbox of the International Office at Campus II (near the mailboxes in the foyer) or

send it digitally to Gabriela: study-buddy@alanus.edu 


Important Information

Leoni Bremer
+49 2222 9321 1986

Campus II, Administration Building
Room V/EG/07
Villestr. 3, 53347 Alfter 

Open consultation hours

Tuesdays: 1 - 3pm on campus I, sculpture hall, 1

Thursdays: 10 am - 12 pm on campus II