Art / Pedagogy / Therapy
Bachelor of Arts
Fields of work: art education, art therapy, art
The Bachelor's programme in Art - Pedagogy - Therapy is aimed at people who wish to study fine arts and are interested in career prospects in art education or art therapy.
The programme is characterised by intensive practical experience in art. Students also learn the basics of art education, art therapy, art science and educational science and complete internships in schools and art therapy institutions. The programme qualifies students for admission to Master's programmes in the fields of art education for secondary and comprehensive schools, art therapy and fine art.Watch the video about our programme in teaching art at secondary and comprehensive schools!
Course Contents and Structure
Core Subjects (1st - 2nd semester) and free project work (3rd - 6th semester)
In the first two semesters, the focus is on learning the fundamentals of drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and new media. Starting in the third semester, students work on their own projects with a professor of their choice from one of the aforementioned disciplines. In-depth art seminars, performative approaches in the module “Movement and Language”, and the module “Introduction to Art Studies” supplement the artistic training. In addition, the Studium Generale enables students to attend interdisciplinary lectures and seminars on a wide range of subjects.
Specialisation Art Education/Art Therapy and Specialisation Art
In the first three semesters, introductions to art education and art therapy as well as internships at mainstream and Waldorf schools and in the field of art therapy help students make an informed decision on focus. After the 3rd semester the students choose between the specialisations art education/art therapy and art.
In the specialisation art education/art therapy, modules in the areas of art education, art therapy, educational science, Waldorf education, and inclusion prepare students for the Master’s degree programmes in art education and art therapy, which will qualify them for a teaching position. In the specialisation art, elective modules enable students to develop their own artistic skills and qualify for admission to a Master's programme in the fine arts.
The Bachelor's thesis can be either an academic thesis or an artistic project. The artistic BA projects are presented in the annual final exhibition of the course at the beginning of July.
The module handbook, the examination regulations and curricula for the two main specialisations can be found under Downloads.
Video about the Degree Programme

Special Features
Emphasis on Artistic Practice
The intensive training in painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking and photography forms the basis for specialisation in the later semesters.
Variety and Specialisation
By selecting the appropriate specialisation, students in the programme are prepared for one of three specific fields of work:
- Teaching Art at Mainstream and Waldorf Schools
In conjunction with a corresponding Master of Education degree in teaching art, the programme is the first step in qualifying students for teaching positions at secondary schools and comprehensive schools as well as Waldorf schools. - Art Therapy
The programme enables students to meet the requirements for admission to the Master’s Programme Art Therapy, which qualifies them for work as a professional art therapist. - Fine Arts
When combined with a bridging study of 60 credit points, the programme qualifies students for admission to the Master of Fine Arts programme.
All three advanced courses of study can be completed at Alanus University.
Studium Generale
Students from all disciplines at Alanus University learn together in the Studium Generale, an essential part of all degree courses. The cultural and philosophical lectures and seminars form the basis for students to find and develop their own position in the context of social discourse.
Semester Abroad
The programme has closely cooperated with the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana, Cuba, for many years. A stay abroad within the scope of this cooperation is easy to organise.
In addition, exchange agreements with partner universities worldwide enable Alanus University students to spend one or more semesters abroad. Semesters abroad are expressly encouraged. The recognition of academic achievements is guaranteed by cooperation agreements.
Admission Requirements
- General or subject-specific university entrance qualification (Abitur)
- Proof of artistic aptitude based on submission of an art portfolio
- For applicants without a higher education entrance qualification, admission is possible if outstanding artistic talent is determined or if the applicant has completed vocational training with 3 years of relevant career experience
Entry from another degree programme is possible at the start of each semester if individual arrangements are made.
Application and Selection Procedures
Application for the Bachelor's programme in Art Education Therapy is possible at any time, with the programme starting in the autumn semester (September). At Alanus University you will study in a family-like environment: we only accept a limited number of students per year. We therefore recommend that you apply early to secure your place.
International degree-seeking students are asked to contact the General Student Advisory Service for the admission procedure. Please contact the person at this office who is responsible for the degree programme you are interested in.
During the application process you are asked to submit a portfolio and other application documents. Information on preparing a portfolio is available under Downloads. After the portfolio has been reviewed, select candidates are invited to an admission interview.
The portfolio and the written application documents can be submitted personally at the office of the study programme (please contact: bachelor.kpt@alanus.edu) or sent by post (the date of the postmark is the submission date). Portfolios must be clearly labelled with the applicant’s name and must not exceed the size of DIN A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm). Boxes and rolls will not be accepted. Larger works may be included as photographs but should not be submitted in their original form.
If you are unable to collect the portfolio in person after the application process, it can be sent by post for a fee. Please note that portfolios measuring 120 x 60 x 60 cm are subject to a surcharge of 22.50 € in addition to the standard postage of 9.90 €. Our bank details for postage payments are:
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln
IBAN: DE91 3702 0500 0007 0793 00
Reference: Mappenrücksendung BAKPT
Guidance Counselling and Portfolio Coaching
We offer free guidance counselling and portfolio coaching. The next portfolio coaching appointments take place in autumn. The appointments and information on registering are available under n registering are available under Portfolio Coaching Appointements.
Appointments for personal guidance counselling and class observation are possible at any time. Please use our contact form to schedule an appointement.