Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Arts
The Bachelor in Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship (Philosophie, Kunst und Gesellschaftsgestaltung), which is taught in German, is an interdisciplinary degree programme with a strong relation to practice. Philosophical and aesthetic training provides innovative access to social and economic spheres of action. A thorough grounding in the tradition of liberal arts with strong relevance to the present sharpens awareness for the practical realities of life and work.
The programme encourages thoughtful, responsible action in various fields of application and pluralistic contexts. This enables you to analyse practical problems and develop creative solutions.
Special Features
More than a Degree Programme: Studying Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship
The programme B.A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship enables you to gain experience in three areas of expertise:
- Reflective and contemplative abilities through philosophy
- Artistic-aesthetic mindset through art
- Philosophical-aesthetic innovation competence in business and society
Each area is connected with a practical project that you design and create independently. This enables you to experience and learn philosophy in practice. Professional guidance supports you throughout the implementation process.
Dare everything!
How do you rise to the complex challenges of the present without getting lost in the details? Philosophy and art promote holistic thinking and action. Anyone who deals with individual phenomena in an interdisciplinary context learns to grasp their complexity and recognise interrelationships. Holistic thinking and action also enable us to creatively change views that are no longer relevant to the present.
Educate yourself!
Do you expect your studies to do more than convey established knowledge and prepare you for a career? Do you also want them to contribute to your personal growth? In the B.A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to explore, develop and expand your own interests. You can choose from a variety of courses and set individual focuses in the programme. Special lectures and seminars support you and your fellow students on your educational path and help you to reflect on your experiences.
Get involved!
Do you feel strongly about becoming an agent of change in society? Do you want to make a difference yourself rather than passively watching others take action? With its focus on social entrepreneurship, the programme cultivates your ability to form your own independent opinions and actively participate in social and political contexts. You learn how to take a differential approach to the issues and challenges of our time, such as globalisation, diversity, sustainability, entrepreneurship, policymaking and socio-cultural work.
Course Curriculum
12 credits: Introduction to Philosophical Practice
12 credits: Knowledge, Humanity and the World
12 credits: Ethics and Spirituality
12 credits: Practical Project Philosophy
12 credits: Introduction to Arts Practice
12 credits: Aesthetic Experience and Understanding
12 credits: Art and Society
12 credits: Practical Project Art
Social Innovation
12 credits: Understanding Society
12 credits: Social change
12 credits: Social Entrepreneurship
12 credits: Practical Project Social Innovation
Integration and Focus Setting
6 credits: Preparation for Practical Projects
15 credits: Focus Setting
15 credits: Bachelor’s Thesis
Application Process
The degree programme usually starts in Autumn Semester each year. Cross-entry can generally be arranged through personal consultation.
International degree-seeking students are asked to contact the General Student Advisory Service for the admission procedure. Please contact the person at this office who is responsible for the degree programme you are interested in.
Applications must include:
- Letter of Motivation
- Curriculum vitae with passport photo
- Officially certified copies of documents/certificates qualifying you for admission
- Certificate of registration from a health insurance provider
Prior to admission, we conduct a personal consultation and admission interview with you.
Admission Requirements
Career Prospects
The B.A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship qualifies students for a broad range of professions. Initiative and creativity open up opportunities in institutions for educational research and promotion, political organisations, non-governmental organisations, social institutions, the fields of public relations, journalism and media, publishing, the art sector, public administration and business enterprises. Further professional specialisation is possible through a subsequent Master's programme.
Study Taster
Which programme is best for me?
The German educational landscape is diverse and complex. More than 7,500 Bachelor's degree programmes are currently on offer, and this number is constantly growing. Secondary school graduates are spoilt for choice. How can you find your way and choose the "right" programme?
Closer Look at B.A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship
The study taster, a 1-2 semester programme offered by the Institute of Philosophy and Aesthetics at Alanus University, provides assistance. In the taster, prospective students with a wide range of interests can sample the three areas of the B.A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship (taught in German) and form their own impression of university life. After all, you don’t know if you don’t try.
Taster Curriculum
In the philosophical courses participants in the study taster explore anthropology, i.e. the question of the human being, gain an overview of the history of philosophy, reflect on ethical problems and discuss current social topics from a philosophical-reflective perspective.
In the art Courses they have the opportunity to seek their own path in life through trial and action as well as develop an artistic-aesthetic, in the broadest sense, creative mindset.
Learning the fundamentals of business and social science and exploring current issues, such as basic income or the refugee debate, build decision-making and innovation skills. In this way, participants gain insight into possible solutions to the challenges facing contemporary society.
In addition, participants in the study taster can attend public lectures, lecture series, and artistic performances throughout the university to familiarise themselves with a wide range of topics and get to know the professors with their main areas of research.
Scope of the Study Taster
After prior registration with the study taster coordinator, Gerhard Henseler, participants can attend up to 6 courses. This generally means courses held during the week – but it is also possible to attend up to two intensive courses at the weekend. The current list of courses offered in the B.A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship is available under Downloads.
Registration and Procedure for the Study Taster
Beginning the study taster is possible
- In Autumn Semester (01/09 - 28/02) as well as
- In Spring Semester (01/03 - 31/08).
The application for the study taster is available under Downloads.
If participants in the study taster subsequently decide in favour of a Bachelor’s programme at Alanus University or another university, achievements in the relevant subjects can be recognised and credited after consultation. Tuition fees for the study taster are 500 euros/semester. Participation in the study taster does not entitle the participant to admission in the B. A. Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship. A separate application process must be followed for this purpose. However, it is possible to improve the chances of gaining admission to the degree programme by participating successfully and making new contacts in the study taster.