Waldorf Education
Master of Arts
The Master’s programme in Waldorf Education is offered at the Institute for Waldorf Education, Inclusion and Intercultural Studies in Mannheim.
Students can choose between two specialisations:
• Specialisation inclusion
• Specialisation class teacher with specialty
The programme qualifies students for teaching at Waldorf Schools (grades 1 - 8). It places equal emphasis on the acquisition of scientific and artistic competence. In particular, it supports students in the development of scientific, didactic-methodological and teaching skills, as well as creative, social and self-reflective abilities. This lays the foundation for successful (school) teaching in an "educational-artistic" sense (R. Steiner).
In the specialisation class teacher with specialty, one of the following compulsory elective courses is selected in addition to the core subjects: English, music, horticulture, handicrafts, sports or manual work.
Students who choose the specialisation inclusive education expand and strengthen their knowledge through curative and inclusive education courses as well as a variety of methodological approaches.